воскресенье, 28 сентября 2008 г.

In this part Julia became a victim of her own feelings. Her passion to Gosselyn was reason of her sufferings. More of this, as her director Jimmie Langton said, this situation wasn’t good for her career. Jimmie was sure that Julia could become a world theater star, and Michael was an impediment for her. At the end of this part Jimmie tried to solve this problem. He advised his American partner to sign a contract with Michael, though Gosselyn wasn’t more than a mediocre actor. Of course Jimmie didn’t say truth about his role in this history to Julia.
Julia’s sweetheart, Michael, showed himself as an old-fashioned gentleman. He was handsome, polite, but rather selfish and stupid. Even the idea was opening of his own theater was given to him by Julia. Despite the fact, that Michael asked Julia to marry him, he didn’t really love her, she was just convenient for him. And when he had an opportunity to earn some money far away from Julia, he agreed without thinking, though that was painful for her.
In this part some more information about biographies of Julia and Michael is told to the reader. When Michael joined the troop, Julia had been playing in Middlepool for a year and had already become a local theater star. Because of Gosselyn’s attractive appearance young actress fell in love with him. But Michael accepted all her compliments not exactly with indifference, but as he might have accepted a compliment on a fine old house that had been in his family for generations. They spent a lot of time with each other, but unfortunately to Julia, she was only a friend for Michael. Character of Gosselyn was far from perfect – he was very greedy, but it wasn’t a problem for Julia. All her attempts to charm Michael were not successful.
But one day Julia was invited to Michael’s parents to Cheltenham. Of course she agreed. During this visit, on the first sight, elder Gosselyns were rather kind to her, but Julia realized, that at the same time they were taking stock at her. She used all her talent to receive their sympathy. And her efforts were praised. One evening Michael said to her, that she made a good impression on his parents and asked her to marry him. Surely she couldn’t deny him. And in spite of the fact, that she knew, that he didn’t really love her, Julia was more than happy.Soon all the troop knew about their relations. Michael didn’t hurry to marry, and he was planning to save up some money and to open his own theater. Julia didn’t like this situation, because she wanted to marry Michael as soon as possible. More of this one American manager offered a one year contract to Michael, Gosslelyn agreed. So he was going to leave Julia for a year.

суббота, 27 сентября 2008 г.

1)thumping lie - наглая ложь;
2)neither borrower nor a lender - не бери в долг и не давай взаймы;
3)a fat lot I care - не моя забота;
1)flatter - льстить;
2)queer - чудной;
3)asset - ценное качество;
4)anxious - беспокоящийся;
5)vet - ветеринар;
6)inevitable - неизбежный;
7)gossip - сплетник;
8)clench - скрепление;
9)rotten - гнилой;
10)fork out - раскошелиться;
11)excite - побуждать;
12)beam - засиять (про человека);
13)close-cropped - коротко остриженный;
14)courteous - вежливый;
15)quick-witted - находчивый;
16)diminish - уменьшать;
17)distinguished - выдающийся;
18)deprecating - протестовать;
19)embroidery - вышивка;
20)pinch - щипок;

четверг, 18 сентября 2008 г.

In my opinion, it is impossible to write something essential about the story after reading only a couple dozens of pages. It is just a beginning and serious actions were not performed by characters, so I can’t judge them. Reader only makes the acquaintance of the heroes of the story. But still, personality of Julia is rather interesting for me. In next parts I guess I’ll write something about this character. The other character, young and still unnamed clerk, I guess, is not so simple, and I can try to predict, that he will take part in some important action of the story. Personality of the 3rd character, Julia’s husband Michael Gosslyn doesn’t attract me yet. The story is full of descriptions, so reader can feel the atmosphere of these times.
I can say, that I recognize Maugham’s style of writing and it is rather pleasantly to read his works. Maugham is considered as a classic of world literature, so it is possible to say, that I am not disappointed with my choice of book for home reading.
The story begun, when Michael Gosselyn, fifty two year-old theater worker, met his wife Julia, a successful actress, in a room behind the scene. They had a conversation, and Michael told Julia about his new clerk. He added, that this guy was a devoted admirer of Julia’s talent. Then Gosselyn called his clerk and introduced him to Julia. Afterwards, conjoins decided to invite young man to their house to lunch with them. By the way, his name was hidden form a reader, because even his employer didn’t know his mane.During this visit, clerk was very shy, he smiled stiffly. But notwithstanding his general behavior, he payed some compliments to Julia. After the end of lunch, actress signed her own photograph and presented it to the clerk. Then her husband and the young man went away, and she started looking through her other photographs. After a couple of minutes she was completely in her reminding.
Then author gives small biographies of Julia and Michael to the reader. Gosselyn was mediocre actor, but in the beginning of his career, Michael had met Jimmie Langton, a flippant director, and joined his troupe. Because of this and his wonderful appearance, Gossleyn became rather famous. Julia had a different situation – she was a born actress. She began playing at the age of twelve, and after some period of time she was spotted by Jimmie, and invited her to join his troupe. He didn’t pay lots of money to his actors, but there was something extraordinary in his personality, and Julia agreed. In Jimmie’s troupe future conjoins met with each other.
1)on such business - таким образом;
2)turn his head - вскружить ему голову;
3)something has taken a weight of her mind - что-то стало для неё облегчением;
1)complacency - самодовольство;
2)sufficient - достаточный;
3)crest - герб;
4)notwithstanding - несмотря на;
5)immensely - чрезвычайно;
6)stiffly - напряженно;
7)upholstered - обитый;
8)hoarse - хриплый;
9)gilt - позолоченный;
10)wistful - тоскливый;
11)bearing - осанка;
12)nerve - смелость;
13)deprecating - неодобрительный;
14)roguish - лукавый;
15)obstinate - упрямый;
16)rubicund - румяный;
17)skip - прыгать на одной ноге;
18)concubinage - внебрачное сожительство;
19)languorous - томные;
20)flippant - дерзкий;